Why is a good Amazon account health important


Irina Zagradskaya
August 5, 2022

We’re glad you asked.

Amazon’s primary focus is ensuring a positive shopper experience on their platform. To do so, they impose standards on Amazon sellers and notify sellers whenever there are negative issues about their seller accounts such as poor reviews, violations of Amazon’s policies, poor performance, etc. Failure to meet the required standards or rectify the issues timely would lead to suspension or deactivation of accounts.

Poor Amazon account health means having a low-quality score which could hamper your marketing efforts. You may see low impressions on ads (and maybe increase your Amazon ACoS), or underperformance on your listing page.

Similar to our physical health where a healthy lifestyle is necessary to enjoy a good life, maintaining your Seller Account’s health daily is critical to growing your business.

Most common mistakes and how to overcome them:

1. Ignoring Amazon’s emails & notifications

Amazon does inform sellers of changes in advance. For example, the product liability insurance announcement was issued two months before it was rolled out. And a lot of sellers received reminders afterward as well.

Make time to read Amazon’s emails and notifications daily.

Address all negative issues reported by Amazon, and reply to Amazon’s emails within 24 hours even on weekends and holidays. Sellers who ignore those notifications such as reviews manipulation, and continue with black hat tactics would most certainly face suspension or deactivation.

2. Suspended regions or unverified accounts

All suspended accounts even if by mistake could impact your overall business. Do note that the brand registry and multiple accounts policy requires ALL accounts to be of good health.

If you don’t need or intend to sell in a region or don’t require a particular account, ask Amazon to close it. The tough truth is all accounts have to be in a good health even if they are not in use; otherwise, it is in your interest to close those unused accounts.

3. Manipulations of inserts & reviews

Sometimes, sellers may not realized their choice of wording on inserts or packaging is against Amazon’s policy. Some sellers might choose a less-than-desirable path to gain reviews.

Amazon will delete fake reviews, send performance notifications, and delist the product(s) if corrective actions are not taken.

When it comes to communication with customers, Amazon has several guidelines on Seller Central that you can deep dive into.

Remember, understanding Amazon’s code of conduct is crucial. Be very cautious of Amazon’s definitions, and what’s allowed and what’s prohibited.

Cheers to good health!